Baking the Lammas Bread

Here’s a wonderful tutorial for Lammas…

Moody Moons

There are few things in the kitchen more spiritual for me than the act of baking bread from scratch.  No bread maker, no bakery.

Just a few basic ingredients and the simple luxury of creating something with my hands.

It is my favorite Lammas tradition.

Baking bread has changed little over the course of thousands of years.  This humble food connects us to our shared ancestral heritage and the cradle of civilization.

Every year, I make it a point to try something new with bread baking for the holiday.  This year, I went with a braided bread, which is a technique I’ve never used before.

I included some dried harvest herbs.  It’s best if you can dry ones you’ve grown yourself and crush them with a mortal and pedestal.  This extra effort is worth the time and attention!


Stir the cauldron!  Or whatever, the wood bowl.


When I make food for…

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