Pagan Calendar: April 14, 2015

Ceres_Demeter3Tuesday:  Day of Honor
The name of Tuesday comes from the warrior god Tui, or Tiw, of Teutonic mythology. The French word, mardi, corresponds to Mars, the Roman god of War.  Tuesday is a time to focus on masculine vibrations for invocations relating to hunting, competition, or sporting prowess.  This day of Mars is also good for goal setting, motivation, and courage.  It is associated with magic dealing with athletics, competitions, conflicts, courage, hunting, legality, logic, physical strength, politics, vitality and war.

Color of the Day:  Maroon
Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.

On this Date:  Cerealia/Runic half-month of Man commences/Sommarsblot/St. Tiburtius/Celtic tree month of Fearn ends
The Norse festival of Somarsblot is celebrated to welcome the summer.  The runic half-month of Man is a time when the archetypal reality of the human condition should be meditated upon.

Source: ‘The Pagan Book of Days: A Guide to the Festivals, Traditions, and Sacred Days of the Year’, by Nigel Pennick